Costello College of Business News

  • July 25, 2024

    For a wide range of real estate professionals, like engineers, architects, developers, planners, lenders, asset managers, attorneys, and others, the Costello College of Business’s Master of Science in Real Estate Development program can strengthen employment potential and upward career mobility.  

  • August 2, 2024

    Each summer, MBA students at the Costello College of Business travel abroad as part of their global residency experience. John Davis, the Costello MBA student ambassador, shared his experience and the project he and his team completed in the UAE.

  • July 29, 2024

    Andrew Edwards, MBA ‘23, had recently completed his undergraduate business degree at a local university while working as a chef in his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee, when the COVID pandemic hit, and his job prospects seemingly dried up. While graduate school was always part of his larger plan, now was a good time as any to get started.

  • July 19, 2024

    The Donald G. Costello College of Business at George Mason University’s Graduate Students of the Year for 2023-2024 exemplify the highest standards of academic excellence, leadership, and dedication to their field. Here, they explain why they chose Mason, and offer advice to others considering master’s degrees in business.  

  • July 22, 2024

    You can tell a lot about a hedge fund’s quality—and long-term performance—from the market climate in which it was launched.
    Lin Sun, assistant professor of finance, recently published a paper in Review of Finance that compares hedge funds formed in high-demand, or “hot,” markets to those produced in a “cold” market climate.

  • July 16, 2024

    If you’re nervous about negotiating a starting salary, that’s because your mind is playing not one, but two tricks on you. A George Mason management prof explains how to undo the mental spell.

  • June 28, 2024

    Katie Kacher, the 2023-24 master’s in business analytics Student of the Year is proof that hard work, motivation, and organization are the key ingredients to success in graduate business school. Kacher chose the Donald G. Costello College of Business at George Mason University for her graduate degree, primarily due to George Mason’s reputation for high caliber coursework and student outcomes.

  • June 26, 2024

    Many students graduate from the Costello College of Business at George Mason University with bold plans to start their own companies. Bethany Rivera and Alex Tugbang, both undergraduate marketing students and classmates in Jiyeon Hong’s marketing course, had already launched their respective businesses Rivera’s Photography and Photuggraphy prior to enrolling.

  • June 25, 2024

    The Donald G. Costello College of Business at George Mason University celebrated 1,204 graduates—the first spring graduates of the newly named Costello College of Business. Students were recognized at a special ceremony on Saturday, May 11 at EagleBank Arena. These new graduates join a Costello College of Business network of more than 38,750 alumni, 70% of whom live in the Northern Virginia region.

  • July 5, 2024

    Ajay Vinzé, dean of the Donald G. Costello College of Business at George Mason University, sat down with Susan Riel, president and CEO of EagleBank, for a fireside chat on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 10.