Costello College of Business Faculty Media Mentions

  • April 5, 2022

    Derek Horstmeyer, finance professor, was interviewed by on a recent FINRA proposal. Horstmeyer noted that "regulators are having to play catch-up with rapid growth of options exposure among the retail investor class, whether those options are embedded in ETFs or contracts traded on Robinhood and similar apps."

  • April 1, 2022

    Finance Professor Derek Horstmeyer, along with finance students Cameron Hair and Georgi Minov, wrote an article for The Wall Street Journal on how they were able to show that it is central bank synchronization (when all banks are going up in their interest rates, or when all banks are going down in their rates) that yields the most extreme results for our markets.

  • March 23, 2022

    Emily Murphy, former administrator of the General Services Administration and current senior fellow at the George Mason University Business School’s Center for Government Contracting, who serves as a partner of CEO Coaching International, has published her first article as a part of Executive Mosaic’s GovCon Expert program.

    GovCon Expert Emily Murphy, who is also a three-time Wash100 Award recipient, provided a breakdown of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, including a brief rundown of its 40-year history as well as debunking a handful of the most common myths regarding the program.

  • March 30, 2022

    Jerry McGinn, executive director of GMU’s Center for Government Contracting and a key member of Executive Mosaic’s GovCon Expert program, has been named a 2022 Wash100 Award recipient for his vision and leadership in the expansion of the George Mason University (GMU) School of Business’ Center for Government Contracting as well as driving advocacy for the government contracting (GovCon) sector and DoD’s defense acquisition system changes.

  • March 29, 2022

    Did you know that honey bees might be able to solve crimes? Our Honey Bee Initiative, in a partnership with the George Mason University Forensic Science Research and Training Laboratory, are working together to see if the bees’ honey can help solve cold cases!

  • March 29, 2022

    Our Honey Bee Initiative’s beehives are being used to determine if honey bees can be used to potentially solve crimes.

  • March 23, 2022

    What’s the buzz? Our Honey Bee Initiative was recently profiled in EDMD Global!

  • March 22, 2022

    “At George Mason University, we’re developing a wearable tech solution that would reduce dependence on job coaches and smooth the employment transition for many neurodiverse people,” writes Sarah Wittman, assistant professor of management, along with Vivian Motti, assistant professor in the Department of Information Sciences and Technology, in an article for Employee Benefit News.

  • March 14, 2022

    Jerry McGinn quoted on use of the Defense Production Act to increase oil and gas production.

  • March 14, 2022

    There are already signs that OTA growth may soon reach a crescendo.